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Ecuador Marks Important Milestone In Simplifying Essential Goods Trade

March 9, 2023 - Less than a minute to read

This reform is a part of an Alliance initiative to enhance digitalisation in Ecuador’s single window (VUE). While Ecuador has digitalised some trade processes in recent years, around 40% remain paper based. The Alliance is supporting the government in introducing more services through VUE and in automating a range of routine administrative tasks at laboratories and sanitary agencies.

Ecuador has taken a further significant step towards full modernisation of its management systems for trade in critical goods following the delivery of the necessary IT equipment for digitalising key certification procedures through its VUE single window.

The Alliance is supporting the National Agency for Regulation, Control and Health Surveillance (ARCSA) and the private sector in transitioning from paper-based certification to digital systems, including automating several routine administrative tasks at laboratories and sanitary agencies.

Despite a shift toward electronic services in recent years, around 40% of trade procedures in Ecuador are still paper-based, requiring in-person filing and processing to satisfy a range of certification requirements. Approvals can take as long as 72 hours for manually-processed documentation, as opposed to 24 hours for electronic submissions through VUE.

Tasked with protecting consumer health and safety, ARCSA controls imports and exports of pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, food, and beverages.

Training is expected to begin shortly on using the new equipment, enabling ARCSA officials to cut processing times, increase productivity and further enhance consumer health and safety. Traders can also anticipate increased efficiency, transparency, and predictability in requesting and processing affected certificates.

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