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Alliance takes major step in transforming key land port 

July 31, 2023 - 2 minutes reading

In a crucial milestone development for the Alliance Bhomra Land Port project, DataSoft Systems Bangladesh Ltd, one of the country’s leading software development companies, has been engaged to design and install e-Port management software.

Currently, as many as 450 trucks are parked up 24/7 at the port awaiting customs’ clearance. Moving goods across the border in either direction involves completing several sequential, paper-based steps, including inspections, assessments, and payments.

The Alliance, through its implementing partner Swisscontact, is working with the Bangladesh Land Port Authority (BLPA) and the private sector to build a digital port management system to streamline and optimise these border processes. The new processes are expected to significantly reduce delays for traders and improve working conditions for border agencies, including Customs.

On July 26, 2023, Swisscontact Project Team Leader Fazle Razik and Datasoft Head of Business Development Sabir Choudhury signed a formal contract. D.M. Atiqur Rahman, Director (Admin), BLPA, Hasan Imam, Chairman of DataSoft and Monoj Kumar Roy, the Alliance project’s Government Relations Adviser were also present.

With assistance from the Alliance project team, DataSoft has already conducted a survey of procedures at Bhomra Land Port and the country’s other land ports to scope requirements. Having completed this analysis, the company will now work with BLPA throughout the development and deployment phases.

Welcoming the official signing, DataSoft Technology Head, Financial Inclusion, Debashis Roy said:  

“This agreement paves the way for Bhomra Land Port automation: – we look forward to delivering the project on time and also to supporting future roll-out to other land ports.” 

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