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Digital Trade Portal to Improve Information Access for Uganda’s Horticulture Sector

July 28, 2023 - Less than a minute to read

The official launch of an online information portal marks a significant milestone in Uganda’s efforts to streamline its horticulture exports. Designed to address information asymmetry regarding trade processes, the user-friendly portal will serve as a ‘one-stop shop’ for exporters of fresh fruits and vegetables.


Aimed at increasing transparency while promoting economic growth within the horticulture sector, the portal currently covers 43 commodities and will expand to over 2,000 goods. Other key features within the portal include detailed information on export and import procedures, market analysis tools and requirements for various certificates of origin. The information will allow traders to better plan as well as potentially reduce the time and cost of completing each step of the export process.

The launch took place as a part of a broader Alliance project, implemented by Swisscontact, to enhance trade processes and improve risk management for horticultural exports in Uganda.



The event was attended by both private and public stakeholders, with notable participants including export companies, Uganda Airlines, the Association secretariat team, media personalities, clearing agent companies, and representatives from the MTIC, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), Uganda Export Promotion Board (UEPB), and Uganda Free Zones Authority.

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