News | Partnership with UNICEF Delivers the Goods

What we do

Bolstering Humanitarian Efforts

ADEPT: An Alliance-UNICEF Partnership
The ADEPT Initiative

Accelerating Delivery of Essential Products Together

When it comes to essential health and humanitarian products, there is no time to waste in delivery. But red tape and outdated procedures at borders often create delays, slowing delivery and impacting those in need. Trade facilitation can help.

To help overcome these obstacles, UNICEF and the Alliance are partnering to work with stakeholders to deliver timely, equitable access to essential supplies, while maintaining the safety and quality controls that governments require.

Combining the Alliance’s public-private partnership approach to streamlining trade processes with UNICEF’s expertise in supply chain management, ADEPT demonstrates how targeted trade reform can promote better access to essential supplies.

Case Study

Expediting Vaccine Supply in Mozambique

Mozambique has made steady progress in reducing child mortality rates but vaccine-preventable diseases such as diphtheria, measles, rubella, and polio still represent serious challenges to public health.

Delays in clearing border controls have knock-on effects on distribution, while also incurring the additional cost of storing perishable products in a controlled environment.

The project digitalised these processes by integrating them into Mozambique’s existing Single Window – reducing clearance times for time-sensitive, life-saving vaccines and medical supplies by more than 25%.

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Hear from our Leadership

ADEPT Partnership Delivers The Goods

On the face of it, we are an unlikely pair. After all, what does a UN child rights agency have in common with an alliance focused on growing cross-border trade?

But dig a little deeper and this collaboration makes perfect sense. At the Alliance and UNICEF, we recognise the urgent need to bridge the gaps that delay these supplies from reaching the people who need them most.

Jean-Cedric Meeus, Chief of UNICEF’s Global Transport Supply Division, and Alliance Director Philippe Isler share what makes this partnership click.

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